Happy Chick Emulator Download

Android Devices

Option 1

Download Happy Chick in your Android Smartphone

Step 1: Open the URL of: http://www.xiaoji001.org in your browser of your Smartphone
Step 2: Click "OK" to download
Step 3: Download Successfully

Step 1   Step 2   Step 3

Option 2

Download Happy Chick from website: http://www.xiaoji001.org/

Step 1: Scan the QR code in the website:

Step 2: You will see pages as below, open it with browser and download:


Option 3

Download from GameSir Manual via your Smartphone.
You shall find QR code in every GameSir manual.
Step 1: Scan the QR code.

G2u(inner page with number)   G3w/G3f (front page)   G3/G3s(front page with number)

Step 2. You will see pages with different models as below:

With G2series, G3, G3s,T1,T1s,G4,G4s manual:
You will see pages as below, open URL with browser and download:


With G3w, G3f manul:
G3w,G3f is not available for iOS system.


1. Please, open the URL in the browser of your Smartphone as the instruction.
2. Please, ensure that your smartphone has enough space for the emulator which occupies 149M of memory space.